With 30 years of international tax compliance and consulting experience working for the country’s largest public accounting firms, including five years living and working outside of the United States, Patty understands the tax, payroll and human resource complexities faced by global businesses with employees working outside of their home country, as well as the challenges encountered by individuals with tax filing obligations in more than one country. Patty formed Brickett Consulting to offer these clients –both businesses and individuals — straightforward, practical solutions to complex international tax issues based on technical expertise and real-world experience.
Patty’s clients include multinational businesses, global non-profit organizations, and US government contractors with US employees working overseas, foreign national employees working in the US, or Third Country National employees (TCN’s) working outside of their home country, and individual taxpayers who live, work or invest outside of the US and have complex US and foreign tax issues.
Patty is a frequent speaker and thought leader on international tax issues related to cross-border employment. She has presented before professional organizations such as the American Society of Certified Public Accountants, the District of Columbia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants, the District of Columbia Bar Association, the Society for Human Resource Management, and Humentum (formerly Inside NGO). She was also a guest lecturer on Expatriate Taxation for the American University Masters in Tax program for over 10 years.