I studied law at the Law University of Milan and I’m currently a trainee lawyer at CDR & Associati, getting ready to take the Italian Bar Exam in the first months of 2023.
During my university carrier I had the opportunity to be selected and, therefore, joined the European Erasmus Program. Thanks to that I spent 6 months in Madrid, Spain where I attended the Rey Juan Carlos Law University of Madrid and took the exams in Spanish language.
Today I deal mainly with Italian labor law, civil law, commercial law and IP.
Especially, with regards to the labor law, we support both judicially and extrajudicially employers and employees on every issue related to their working relationship (for instance, warning letters, individual and collective dismissals, appeal of the dismissal…)
In the firm where I’m working at, we deal a lot with foreign clients, most of them are foreign societies who have established or need to establish a subsidiary in Italy, and we take care of every aspect of their lives from their constitution, through draft of lease contracts to support them in case of issues with third parties.
I worked 6 months in a law firm in San Francisco specialized in civil and commercial law as well, so I also had the opportunity to touch with hands some aspects of common law related to Californian law. It was a great and interesting experience that got me out of my civil law comfort zone. There, I met a lot of lawyers and judges who explained me how the trials work both from the lawyers and the judges’ side and I had the opportunity to compare the common and the civil law systems.
I love being involved in international environments that’s why I’m happy to attend the next IR GLOBAL event.