Bogdan Coraci

Partner at Hristescu & Partners

0040 317 110 200

Bogdan Coraci is a Rising Star



Bogdan is a talented and dedicated lawyer, member of the Hristescu & Partners team in Bucharest, Romania.

He has been working with Hristescu & Partners since 2017. Throughout this time, he has been deeply involved in complex civil and commercial negotiations, drafting and reviewing contracts, involving different parties of the public and private sectors, including multinational companies in national or cross-border transactions. He is also a versed litigator, with over 10 years of handling disputes from a broad range of legal areas, including fiscal and administrative, employment and labor law and forced execution procedures.

Bogdan is a fantastic lawyer and team player, always there for the client and for his colleagues. However, he shines in difficult times, when he comes up with strong and impressive solutions for the most delicate and complex matters.

Although he is results driven, he never neglects the path that takes him there, and is deeply involved and committed throughout the entire journey, serving in equal measure the law and the client’s business.

His profound understanding of the public/sector procurement both from the perspective of the contracting authority and that of the economic operator, based on his experience in private practice comes from years of practical experience. Holding a Master’s Degree in Public Procurement from the University of Bucharest, he started as a public servant (legal counsel) with the National Environmental Guard of Romania, and later became  head of the regulatory and legal monitoring department. He currently activates as lawyer for private clients, and this wide spectrum of industry jobs has broadened his perspective as a practitioner.


Hristescu & Partners

Visit the Hristescu & Partners website

Hristescu & Partners is a law firm that provides legal services for Romanian and international companies, including assistance and representation, with strong credentials in the business law.

We aim to provide our clients a completely different consultancy approach, as we grow into a partnership that our clients never had, and we answer to questions they never knew they had to ask.

The language we use is “business”, as we are entrepreneurs too and we have to deal daily with an ever changing and challenging business environment. It is our empathy, sharp minds and experience that gives us the power to comprehend your business, to be by your side and share advice that goes beyond mere legal expertise. We are team players, your team player!

Personal liaisons and common values matter most to us, both in life and in business, so we cultivate new encounters and we weigh in carefully the long-term dealings. When we connect, we become part of your business. But we also have the courage and courtesy to refer you elsewhere, if we are not able to fully support your needs.


(Non)Banking & Finance

Data Protection


Corporate Governance


Employment & HR

Intellectual Property

Debt & Insolvency





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