Balthasar Wicki

Partner at Wicki Partners AG

+41 43 317 1178

Balthasar Wicki is a Member


Attorney-at-Law, Mediator SBA/SCCM, Executive MBA (UZH) | Partner

As a business lawyer and an international industry executive, Balthasar Wicki has gained a wealth of experience in dealing with phases of growth, conflict and change. He also has a great deal of practical management expertise and specialist technical knowledge. Entrepreneurs and companies value his in-depth approach to business management, his ability to understand complex economic issues, his readiness to take responsibility and his willingness to support others.

After his admittance to the Bar in 1993, Balthasar Wicki worked with Hilti Group as a Corporate Legal Counsel and then took on managerial positions in market development at various large industrial companies in India, China and South-East Asia. When he returned from Asia in 2003, he was responsible for the successful repositioning of a major Swiss NGO/NPO and then, as CEO and co-investor (private equity financed), led a global industrial company through an existential crisis. He returned to work as an attorney in the field of company and commercial law in 2008.

Currently, Balthasar Wicki advises a large number of domestic and foreign SMEs, entrepreneurs and investors on corporate law and structuring issues primarily in the technology sector, but also in traditional industries. He also manages major restructuring and insolvency mandates in the international corporate environment and is responsible for complex negotiating mandates.

As a business mediator and a board member, Balthasar Wicki is able to put his management experience to good use, especially in cross-cultural situations (India, China, South-East Asia, etc.).

Balthasar Wicki writes and negotiates in German, English and French, and he speaks and understands Italian.

Member of the Board of Directors of the following companies:
– ANT-Informatik Ltd., Zürich (Chairman)
– Gonon Holding Ltd., Schleitheim (Chairman)
– Swisshaus Ltd., Lenzburg (Chairman)
– Bluebox Shop AG, Zürich

Member of:
Swiss and Zurich Bar Association
– International Bar Association
– Swiss Management Association
– Swiss Institute for Board Members
– Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation
– Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce
– The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce

Partner of:
– SeestattExperts


Wicki Partners AG

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Wicki Partners Attorneys-at-Law offers entrepreneurs and companies their extensive knowledge and experience for a new way to access company law during phases of growth, conflicts and change.

The experts at Wicki Partners Attorneys-at-Law have a great deal of expertise in business management, are available to support and advise, and adopt an approach based on our wealth of practical experience. The preservation of entrepreneurial freedom, a long-term perspective and the creation of robust solutions are our guiding principles in consulting and crisis management. This practical, understated and in-depth approach offers entrepreneurs, executives and companies the security they require during the turmoil and changes caused by rapid growth and times of crisis.

We assist and support national and international companies with any issues they may have on corporate development, transactions (M&A), contract negotiations, company restructuring measures and succession planning. As mediators, we can also offer support in crisis situations, such as internal conflicts or liquidity problems, with our knowledge and experience.

Stockerstrasse 44 CH-8002 Zurich Zürich Open Maps

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