Les membres d'IR Global représentent les principaux conseillers juridiques, comptables et financiers du monde. Chaque cabinet est soumis à un processus de vérification rigoureux lors de son adhésion, au cours duquel nous analysons sa réputation, ses classements et les commentaires de ses pairs. Chaque membre est recommandé exclusivement en fonction de son expertise en matière de juridiction et de domaine d'activité.
Veuillez utiliser la fonction de recherche ci-dessous pour trouver le conseiller qui répondra à vos besoins.
- Constitution de sociétés à Angleterre
Paul Beare
goldPaul is a gold memberDigital PartnerPaul is a Digital PartnerMOTY 2023Paul was Member of the Year winner in 2023Founder, Paul Beare Ltd - Commercial Arbitration and Commercial Litigation in England
Howard Colman
goldHoward is a gold memberMOTY 2022Howard was Member of the Year winner in 2022finalist 2015Howard was Member of the Year finalist in 2015Managing Partner, Colman Coyle - Fiscalité (comptables) à Liban
Wissam Abousleiman
goldWissam is a gold memberMOTY 2021Wissam was Member of the Year winner in 2021Managing Director, Abousleiman & Co - Banking & Finance in England and Banking & Finance in England
Alex Canham
goldAlex is a gold memberMOTY 2019Alex was Member of the Year winner in 2019Partner, Herrington Carmichael LLP - Banking & Finance in New York and Crypto and Digital Asset Advisory in New York
Noreen Weiss
goldNoreen is a gold memberMOTY 2018Noreen was Member of the Year winner in 2018Chair, gunnercooke llp - Commercial Litigation , Real Estate and Tax (Private Client) in Portugal
João Valadas Coriel
goldJoão is a gold memberMOTY 2018João was Member of the Year winner in 2018Managing Partner, Valadas Coriel & Associados - Commercial Law in Italy
Lorenzo Bacciardi
goldLorenzo is a gold memberMOTY 2017Lorenzo was Member of the Year winner in 2017Partner, Bacciardi Partners - Cannabis Advisory , Commercial Law and Commercial Litigation in Netherlands
John Wolfs
goldJohn is a gold memberMOTY 2016John was Member of the Year winner in 2016Managing Director, Wolfs Advocaten - Corporate Law in France
Christian Roth
goldChristian is a gold memberMOTY 2015Christian was Member of the Year winner in 2015Partner, rothpartners - Mergers & Acquisitions in China and Mergers & Acquisitions in Taiwan
Nicholas V. Chen
goldNicholas V. is a gold memberMOTY 2014Nicholas V. was Member of the Year winner in 2014Partner, Pamir Law Group