Ramanand Mundkur

Managing Partner at Mundkur Law Partners

+91 80 4357 6710

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À propos de

Ramanand is highly recommended by Chambers Asia-Pacific as a ranked Corporate M&A lawyer. In addition to M&A and company law matters, he advises on corporate finance and insolvency, and is also a specialist in corporate governance, having advised on high-profile board and shareholder disputes, and on board and management obligations following discovery of corporate fraud in listed and unlisted companies. Ramanand also appears before courts and tribunals in corporate disputes and is an empanelled commercial arbitrator with the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation. Before returning to India, Ramanand worked for extended periods with the IMF and the UN.

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Mundkur Law Partners

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MLP (Mundkur Law Partners) is an award-winning, boutique law firm based in Bangalore, India. The firm’s practice focusses on five areas: M&A (including private equity and venture capital), education law, life sciences and healthcare, insolvency resolution, and complex commercial disputes. The firm specializes in working on complex, cross-border transactions. And the firm is reputed for consistently ensuring complete partner involvement and for adding exceptional commercial value in all its engagements. The firm’s clients range in size from listed multinationals to newly formed start-ups that operate across diverse industries—from brick and mortar manufacturing, to cutting edge drug-discovery and fintech businesses.

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