Nicolas Pregliasco

Partner at GALAHAD cabinet d’avocats

+ 33 (0)1 40 06 28 30

Nicolas Pregliasco is a Member

À propos de

Nicolas is a member of the Paris bar since 2005. His expertise covers French and international taxation of individuals and international mobility.

Before co-founding Galahad, he worked with French and international law firms (Capstan, Landwell & Associés, Lexcom) and participated to the activities of two international alliances (Ius Laboris from 2006 to 2008, CELIA Alliance since 2011).

He advises companies on all aspects of their compensation policies and assists mobile employees and high level executives with respect to their global tax liabilities in either French or international contexts.

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GALAHAD cabinet d'avocats

Visit the GALAHAD cabinet d’avocats website

Galahad is a niche firm dedicated to Compensation & Benefits and International Assignments. The team managed by Stéphanie Le Men-Tenailleau and Nicolas Pregliasco, its founders, manages all types of issues related to Compensation & Benefits, in France and abroad, with respect to global compensation strategies and specific cross border situations, and assists more generally its clients for all their needs in terms of management of mobile employees. The firm’s clients are French and international groups which have been in France for some time or are willing to develop their activities in France. Originally tax lawyers, the Galahad’s team deals with tax, social security, employment and company law, to cover any matter relating to global mobility and remuneration, more particularly in cross-border situations.

Galahad is the French member of an international alliance of independent law firms specialized in tax and law for HR, CELIA Alliance, ( They also have best friends all over the world, more particularly with the help of IR Global, in countries which are not covered by the Alliance yet.

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