Lionel Paraire

Partner at Galion

+33 (0)1 76 77 33 00

Lionel Paraire is a Member

À propos de

Admitted to the Bar in 1997 and founder of Galion, Lionel Paraire has a DESS de Droit des Affaires and a Magistère-DJCE (Masters in Business and Tax law) from the University of Montpellier.

He worked for six years with Cabinet Jeantet Associés, then worked at the firm Baker & McKenzie, and then Mayer Brown where he became Of-Counsel.

Lionel has been Senior lecturer at the University of Paris XII in Labour Law and European Labour Law. He is a member of Avosial, EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association), ANDJCE (Association Nationale des Diplômés Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise) and IBA (International Bar Association). He is also Senior lecturer at the University of Montpellier I (DJCE).

He has developed an acknowledged expertise in the area of individual employment relations and (high risk) litigation and dispute resolution. He regularly assists companies with restructuring and the labour and employment law aspects of corporate transactions.

Moreover, he has written numerous articles for specialised press (Jurisprudence sociale Lamy, RF Social, l’Entreprise, l’Usine Nouvelle) and the national press (La Tribune). Lionel frequently takes part in conferences on varied subjects of labour and employment law and provides training for his clients.

Lionel speaks French, English, Spanish and German.

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Galion is an independent French business law firm dealing exclusively with labour and employment law and specialising in advice, litigation and dispute resolution.

Close to its clients, Galion creates and develops for each of its clients “made-to-measure” solutions adapted to their needs, culture, business and organisation.

Our approach is based on three fundamental points:

Technical excellence maintained in a context of increasing legal uncertainty;

Pragmatic vision and a strong corporate culture to act effectively; and,

Partnership, availability and commitment, essential in creating a close-working relationship.

Galion provides advice on all labour and employment law issues, notably in the following areas:

Individual employment relations: Management of contractual relations, secondment and expatriation of employees, executive remuneration, individual litigation, and dispute resolution ;

Collective employment relations: Employee representative bodies operation and allocation, collective bargaining, and collective litigation ;

Reorganisation and restructuring: Implementation of consultation process, downsizing, and outsourcing ;

Remuneration and employee savings schemes: Remuneration policy, reward schemes, profit sharing agreements, company saving schemes, and retirement schemes ;

Assistance with the labour and employment law aspects of M&A transactions and due diligence reviews ;

URSSAF Audits and social security dispute resolution ;

Litigation and Dispute resolution: Assistance and representation of both companies and executives before courts and administrative bodies ;

White collar crime litigation: Work accidents, criminal offense of obstructing the works council.

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