Cristiano Carrion


+55 (51) 3371.2030

Cristiano Carrion is a Member

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Specialist in civil and tax law, with an academic degree in law (PUCRS), a postgraduate degree in economics and business law (FGV), and tax law (IBET/INEJE). Responsible for the areas of civil and corporate law, preventive and litigation areas, as well as the tax area. Member of the Board of Lexnet – Law firms Alliance, and former member of the Executive Committee of the tax academy of the americas (ATA). He has 20 years of practice in business law, acting in relevant cases of mergers and acquisitions in the domestic market and on boards of directors.

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Trajectory started in 1936, with Felipe Machado Carrion, reaffirmed by his son, Roberto Farinha Machado Carrion, and today represented by the third generation of partners. Over this time, we have created value for our clients through strategic advice, a business model inspired by the skills and diversity of the team. Commitment and excellence, with close and personalized service, constitute the essence through which people and businesses prosper.

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Avenida Taquara, 183, Conjunto 1001, Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil 90.460-210 Open Maps

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