Servicios de cine y vídeo

IR Digital provides you with the opportunity to create your own firm branded marketing video, demonstrating your knowledge, experience and service offering.

Our firm-branded videos are professionally filmed, edited and promoted and work with you on creating the content, keeping it concise, visually compelling and focusing on storytelling to drive your point home.

Members selected will be filmed by a professional videographer during IR Global conferences (the whole process should take no more than 30 minutes) and the content will be professionally edited and featured online via our website and YouTube channel.

Key Benefits

  • Fresh, innovative video material to market your firm effectively online.
  • A tool to demonstrate your firm’s skills and expertise and to show the opportunities which exist in your jurisdiction.
  • Promotion across the IR Global network, reaching our 44,000+ followers across social media, newsletter subscribers, YouTube audience and website visitors.
  • Once your video is completed you will be provided with a full version and given access to shorter edits, on request, which can be used on social media and be part of your wider marketing strategy.
  • All IR Digital videos will be played at future IR Global events for attendees to see.

For more information on pricing, please email our Business Development Strategist, Rachel Finch via [email protected] or call 00 44 1675 443 017.

  • Rachel Finch

    Rachel Finch

    Head of Digital & Sponsorships

Casos prácticos

Service Packages