Serie virtual
The IR Virtual Series vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.
Licencias internacionales de PI
Humans have always been innovative, using ingenuity and acquired knowledge to improve their own lives. Huge leaps forward have been made in the last 100 years as inventions ranging from antibiotics to airplanes have revolutionised our existence. As our technological achievements become ever more complex, so the scope for further invention grows. Our global, industrialised…
Incentivos a la inversión
In 1900, just 15 per cent of the world’s population were city dwellers. Today, more than half of humanity lives in urban areas, and by 2030 this figure is expected reach 60 per cent. A recent report from Euromonitor, predicts that, by then, the world will have 39 megacities, with a population of more than…
Conozca a su cliente
The past decade has seen a marked increase in effort from the international community to combat money laundering. As new opportunities to launder money have arisen, aided by technology and globalisation, new regulations have sought to keep pace with these developments and counter the threat. Bodies such as the Organisation for Cooperation and Development (OECD),…
Constitución de empresas:
Multinational corporations require a range of different structures in order to maintain a global presence. These structures can be used for different purposes, whether it is developing a trading operation in a country, or establishing a holding structure for wider business interests in a region. Before taking the plunge and forming a company, there are…
Congelación de activos
Many modern organisations, regardless of size, own assets in multiple locations across the world. The advent of technology, together with accessible international markets, means dealing with clients across borders is easier than ever before. As a result of this trend, businesses may have money in foreign bank accounts, stock in foreign warehouses, or significant tangible…
Estructuras racionalizadas
Finding the ideal acquisition target that is also a great strategic fit with an existing business, can often seem like an impossible task. This is particularly true if that target is in another country, given the extra difficulty in conducting detailed research and due diligence. Once these barriers are cleared and the green light is…
Workplace Investigations
The #MeToo movement was founded more than a decade ago, as a vehicle against sexual abuse and harassment. Despite its longevity, it really only entered the public consciousness in October 2017, in the aftermath of high profile sexual misconduct allegations involving Hollywood. It was adopted as a social media hashtag by people when discussing the…
Fundraising via ICO
An initial coin offering (ICO) is a concept that has come to real prominence during the last three years, alongside the rise of blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT), as a way for businesses utilising blockchain to raise funds. Conceptually, it sits somewhere between crowdfunding and a traditional initial public offering (IPO), offering investors tokens,…
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across the European Union on May 25th 2018. It applies to all businesses and public sector bodies that access, use or store (process) the personal information (personal data) of an EU Citizen (data subject). It is designed to cope with the huge advances in technology and…
Dealing in IP
The importance of intellectual property (IP) in an M&A deal process can often be underestimated, particularly if it is not seen as central to the transaction process. Regardless of whether the buyer believes the IP to have a material impact on the value of the acquisition target, it is always worth spending time doing appropriate…
Staying Ahead of the Curve
An examination of most commercial contracts governing international agreements will reveal a clause dealing with alternative dispute resolution, specifically arbitrations. The oft-quoted advantages of arbitration, as opposed to litigation, usually revolve around control; in terms of privacy, timing, flexibility and cost. Arbitrations are conducted in private, as opposed to litigation which is open to public…
The Advent of AI:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is entering the everyday lexicon as products as diverse as cars and fridges often now employ some form of AI to support their functions. In fact, there are very few areas of commerciality that are unaffected by the phenomenon, and the venerable practice of accountancy is no different. This industry that has…