I am currently working as a business valuator and corporate finance adviser at Schuiteman Corporate Finance. A company that is part of the Schuiteman Accountants & Advisers group. I have almost 15 years of experience in auditing and accounting at several audit firms. From Big4 to mid-sized firms in the Netherlands. I studied both business valuation and accounting and hence I have a registration as a Business Valuator (Register Valuator) at both the Dutch professional association of Registered Business Valuers (NiRV) and at the European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA) and as a Dutch Chartered Accountant (Registeraccountant), at The Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA). Furthermore, I am currently working towards registration at the Dutch National Register of Judicial Experts (LRGD). Experts registered with the LRGD are familiar with the legal and compliance requirements of forensic expertise and are capable of carrying out investigations and reporting on the results within the context of civil and administrative law proceedings.
I can assist both companies and persons in the entire process of buying or selling an interest in a company or a business. Starting from business valuation and preparing a company to be sold upon the process of negations and everything in between. Furthermore, I also assist parties or corporate finance advisers in just the process of making a valuation of their business. Assignments to value a business can be conducted from both the perspective of an independent adviser or as an adviser of one of the parties involved in the process.
Besides the valuation business, I also conduct assignments as an independent expert. Upon request of a client, I can review the outcome of any assignment conducted by another adviser if they have doubts about the outcome or whether all procedures were conducted as far as it concerns my expertise.