Carolina Boullosa Gonzalez

Lawyer | Partner at Bind

+351 213 104 120

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Derecho laboral

Litigation and Arbitration

Sanctions Law and Compliance


  • Graduated in Law from the School of Law of Nova University of Lisbon in 2006.
  • Postgraduate course in Legal Sciences at the School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon, between October 2009 and January 2010.


  • Fellow of CEDIS (Centre for Research and Development on Law and Society) of FDUNL, in a scientific research project on the theme: “Legal and sociological evaluation of the practical application of the preliminary hearing as a translation of one of the structuring principles of the civil procedure reform of 1995/6 – the principle of cooperation”, with the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr. Mariana França Gouveia, between March 2005 and March 2006.
  • Trainee Lawyer at Uría Menéndez Abogados, S.L.P. – Branch in Portugal, between September 2006 and September 2008.
  • Trainee Lawyer at ACE – Sociedade de Advogados, between October 2008 and July 2009.
  • Associate Lawyer at ACE – Sociedade de Advogados, between July 2009 and February 2018.
  • Senior Associate Lawyer at BIND since March 2018.
  • Partner at BIND since January 2024.


  • Admitted to the Portuguese Bar in 2009.
  • Member of APODIT (Portuguese Labour Law Association).
  • Has developed expertise in the areas of employment law, labour litigation, individual and collective employment relations, as well as advising in all other aspects of employment law.

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Established in February, 2018, Bind is the result of the merger between TMA (Tenreiro Martins, Tomás & Associados) and the majority of the team from ACE (Alvim Cortes, Esperança, Vaz Osório, J.P. Menezes Falcão & Associados).

Bind is a full-service law firm, committed to address client challenges in areas and industries such as Real-State, Labour and Financial Services, being one of the few firms with an integrated approach regarding Medicine law. Bind positions itself on a national and international level as a law firms that provides legal advisory built around criteria of considerable technical accuracy, attention to detail and flexibility.

The availability of its lawyers and the personalised service make it possible for the firm to differentiate itself due to its commitment, approachability and focus on the requirements and needs of its clients and partners and, therefore, maximise their results and businesses.

Bind proudly assumes a commitment with the client and the law in the following areas of expertise:

Litigation and Arbitration

Civil and Commercial contracts

Banking and Financial law

Commercial and Corporate law

Family and Successions law

Tax law

Labour and Social Security law

Medicine law

Public, Administrative and Public Procurement law

Real Estate and Tourism

Healthcare and pharmaceutical law

Insurance law

Real Estate and Tourism

Privacy, protection of personal data

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Rua Julieta Ferrão, n.º 10, 8.ºesq., 1600-131 Lisboa Open Maps

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