Asesoramiento a medida de la máxima calidad, que satisface las necesidades de los clientes más complejos
IR Global es una red multidisciplinar de servicios profesionales que ofrece asesoramiento jurídico, contable y financiero a empresas y particulares de todo el mundo.
Nuestros miembros son las empresas boutique y de tamaño medio de mayor calidad que prestan servicios al mercado medio. Empresas que se centran en el servicio personalizado y dirigido por socios y que cuentan con una amplia experiencia transfronteriza.
Represented in 170+ jurisdictions, covering over 60+ unique practice areas, we are perfectly placed to offer the highest quality bespoke advice that meets the needs of the most complex client requirements.
Since 2010 our community has grown to over 1400+ members worldwide based on the principles of friendship, trust, and a shared belief in going beyond the traditional role of the adviser.
Hoy somos la red a la que acuden los clientes con visión de futuro que buscan soluciones creativas, pragmáticas y rentables.
Grupos de trabajo
Áreas de práctica
IR Global Events: making networking
both enjoyable & profitable
Cada año organizamos diversos actos internacionales que reúnen a nuestros miembros para compartir experiencias y oportunidades. Estas conferencias incluyen ponentes de renombre mundial, sesiones de trabajo para nuestros grupos sectoriales, talleres y eventos sociales memorables. Estos actos se complementan con eventos regionales más pequeños organizados por nuestros miembros y un importante programa en línea de reuniones, que fomenta la participación de los miembros y el desarrollo de relaciones.
“One of the reasons we joined IR Global is because of the global reach and the ability to serve our clients better, by offering them attorneys in various jurisdictions that can address their needs expertly.”
Adrienne Braumiller, Braumiller Law Group, PLLC – US, Texas
“A platform of professionals and like-minded members, who strive to service their clients and facilitate further firm promotion through collaboration.”
Paul Beare, Paul Beare Ltd – England
“From the membership to events, IR Global offers a multitude of channels to showcase our firm and collaborate internationally with other IR member firms.”
Torben Welch, Messner Reeves LLP – US, Utah
“Being part of IR Global allows us to expand our insolvency capabilities for our clients worldwide, working with trusted peers through our committee.”
Kyle Broadhurst, Broadhurst LLC- Gran Caimán
“By connecting people, we inspire our colleagues and clients to create new business opportunities that bring value to their organisations. IR Global is the right platform which enables us and our clients to achieve our respective mission globally.”
Thomas Paoletti, Paoletti Legal – UAE
“IR Global is a phenomenal organization that offers informative events, terrific networking & referral opportunities. I have received numerous referrals from fellow IR members and have referred my clients to others as well.”
Michael Einbinder, Einbinder & Dunn LLP – US, New York
“Putting an international team together is not easy. With IR Global we’re able to just look for people in the network and put it all together very quickly.”
Thomas H. Curran, Thomas H. Curran Associates, LLC – US, Massachusetts & Texas
“Being a member of IR Global has been transformative. The team’s dedication to creating an engaging network has allowed for fruitful interactions with professionals across the globe.”
Nevin Sanli, Sanli Pastore & Hill – US – California