Braumiller Law

To increase the exposure of Braumiller Law consulting on LinkedIn and Twitter, putting them at the forefront of professional services industry with a key focus on Trade Law. They have a keen interest on the North America, LATAM and Asia-Pacific regions so we were made aware that material relating to these areas would have a positive impact on their platforms. We focus time on expanding the reach of the material being produced in-house which is sent through to us at a steady pace and raising the profile of the attorneys and partners at the firm.

Working closely with their marketing manager, we established a good line of communication to ensure we were seen as an additional arm to their marketing department. Any information the firm was creating was sent directly to our marketing team to implement into their content schedule to eliminate any gaps in their content distribution. We research third party content to continue enhancing their visibility in front of audiences they want to attract to their platforms, to follow and interact with their material.