Brand new issue of our newsletter is now out! We hope you will find in the compendium answers to the current business challenges.
In this issue:
- The latest version of the Artificial Intelligence Act proposed by the European Parliament redefines AI systems and the way they are classified
- The bill on a deposit refund scheme will be considered by the Sejm
- Will the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) provide support in the pursuit of claims for breach of competition law?
- Work to implement the DSM and SatCab directives to Polish law still underway…
- What the end of the state of epidemic emergency would mean for CSOs
- Tenth version of proposal for amendment of the National Cybersecurity System Act (NCSSA)
- DPA decisions imposing administrative fines annulled
- The state of epidemic threat possibly ending and major developments with regard to labor law
- New obligations for payment service providers under an amendment to the VAT Act
- When a business party applies for a trademark in bad faith
- Forthcoming changes regarding online advertising
- From January 2024, major restrictions on sale and advertising of energy drinks are envisaged under Polish law
- New rules on injunction procedures in IP cases
- Abusive clauses in IT contracts in public tenders
- An unwilling (?) witness in a criminal case
We wish you a good reading!