Online Seminar ” COVID-19 Vaccination Policies”
In this helpful webinar, SederLaw Attorney Moschos breaks down the orders and current Massachusetts guidance available from the courts and the Federal administration. SederLaw Attorney, Demitrios Moschos , presented an online seminar on COVID-19 Vaccination Policies and the challenges facing employers on November 2, 2021, at the Business & Government Forum, hosted by the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce
What does Attorney Moschos cover in this webinar?
- Challenges for Employers with COVID-19
- Legal Mandate on Employers for Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Workplace.
- Can Employers Mandate vaccinations?
- Employers Must Engage in an Interactive Process
- Best Practice regarding Vaccinations
- President Biden’s Vaccination Executive Order.
- Federal Contractors Executive Order
- Collective Bargaining
- Massachusetts COVID-19 Leave
- Incentives for Vaccination Program