IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Carlo Veronese of Studio Carlo Veronese. Carlo has joined IR as our exclusive Immigration Law Member in Italy.
Carlo graduated in business and economics at Università Bocconi in Milan with a degree and founded his own firm in 1996. He is a certified public accountant and statutory auditor, 20+ years’ experience in tax and corporate matters.
Since the outset, Carlo Veronese has brought together professionals experienced in several fields of tax, civil and corporate law, consolidating strong business relationships with a network of consultants, lawyers, notaries public and other certified professionals, which have been developed into friendship over the years.
In so doing, he has sought to provide his clients with prompt, proficient, qualified, and above all, successful support and commitment.
If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Carlo directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.