The advent of social media has transformed the way people communicate, blurring the lines between personal and professional spheres. The rise of social media has blurred the lines between personal and professional lives, leaving many wondering about the boundaries of online expression for employees. While social media can help employee boost his/her career, connect with recruiters, and power a job search, a casual use can also cause harm to the reputation and employability of the employee. The internet has become a powerful platform for free expression, but for employees, it can also be a landmine of potential disciplinary action. It is not uncommon to see stories in the news about employees who were dismissed because of their online posts. This is particularly true in India, where Facebook enjoys immense popularity, questions arise about whether employees in India can be terminated for posting scandalous posts against their employer on Facebook?
Social media posts could give a right to terminate employment being legal and valid – discussion on a recent bombay High Court decsion
Manishi Pathak
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