Register for the webinar | Fiscal, labor and social security implications of Profit Sharing

Profit Sharing is an obligation that all companies registered in Mexico have to make their workers share in the benefits of the profits generated by the company. Compliance with this obligation expires in the month of May of each year, so it is essential that companies are prepared regarding the tax and labor implications of this obligation. For this reason, at Sánchez Devanny we invite you to our webinar entitled “Tax, labor and social security implications of Profit Sharing” in which our specialists in tax and labor practices will share with all of you the details to consider in this regard. .

Date: Thursday March 14, 2024

Hours: 08:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.


Fermín Lecumberri Cano
Industrial Partner
Sánchez Devanny

Denisse Escalante Gil
Sánchez Devanny

Santiafo Fernández Rangel
Sánchez Devanny