Overview of Services Offered By IR Virtual Event Sponsor: Valadas Coriel & Associados

Welcome to Portugal

If you are reading this text it is most likely because someone has referred us or we have met at a conference, read about us on LinkedIn or elsewhere and you somehow have an interest in Portugal.

Portugal is one of the best small countries few people know about or one of the best countries of the European Union to live and invest although very little is known about us.

Some relevant data as per international rankings of competitiveness: 39th position on the “Ease of Doing Business” study by the World Bank; 21st out of 137 countries on quality of infrastructure according to the World Economic Forum.

From an investor’s point of view Portugal offers a highly skilled work force, high number of multilingual holders of college and university degrees combined with operating costs that are roughly half of the average Western European countries.

Basic corporate tax rate (CIT) is 21%. It can be aggravated when profits exceed € 7,5 or € 35 million Euros. On the other hand, a plethora of incentives for foreign direct investment is widely available: SIFIDE for investment in R&D, Patent Box for IP, RFAI for a number of investments, no corporate income tax (CIT) rates for domestic Investment Funds and Venture Capital Funds. The incentives vary from reductions up to 82,5% of the regular CIT rate, to tax credits and carry forward, to the exemption of certain specific taxes and levies.


  • João Valadas Coriel
    Commercial Litigation , Real Estate and Tax (Private Client) in Portugal

    João Valadas Coriel

    goldJoão is a gold member
    MOTY 2018João was Member of the Year winner in 2018
    Managing Partner, Valadas Coriel & Associados