MZLS LLC joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Law Member in Puerto Rico

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Anthony O. Maceira Zayas of MZLS LCC. Anthony has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Law Member in Puerto Rico.

Maceira is the Founding Member of MZLS LCC. With a decade of experience in Government Services, Maceira has been involved in major reforms implemented in Puerto Rico since 2010 when he started as advisor to the Majority Leader of the Senate. Serving mainly as full service/external legal counsel to foreign companies doing business in Puerto Rico, Maceira has developed a robust commercial law practice, including but not limited to: civil litigation, appellate, corporate law and government services practice. Specializing in commercial law and privatization of services, Maceira’s experience in the Private Sector includes defense attorney in high profile cases such as: environmental cases, gambling industry cases, tax litigation, insurance litigation, banking cases, protesting and defending bid awards challenged in court and others.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Anthony directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.

[email protected]

  • Anthony O. Maceira Zayas
    Commercial Law and Corporate Law in Puerto Rico

    Anthony O. Maceira Zayas

    bronzeAnthony is a bronze member
    Founding Member, MZLS