ALTIUS’ Digital & Data Protection Team is back with the next edition of ‘Keeping up with GDPR’ on 7 March 2024 from 13:30 to 14:30.
We will recap the latest, most important GDPR and data protection developments. During this session, you will get a glimpse into the following items:
- New DPA Act: most important takeaways
- New DPA Settlement Policy: opportunities, but within a narrow framework
- A busy time for the CJEU: most relevant findings for your organization
- Black Tiger, Catholic Church, None of Your Business (NOYB) : Impact of the latest DPA landmark decisions
- Latest key GDPR fines & GDPR news in member states (including the EDPB DPO report)
Gerrit Vandendriessche and Pierre Antoine will be presenting this webinar in Dutch and French, the slides will be in English.
You follow this webinar as a Data Protection Officer (DPO)? We are happy to provide you with a certificate of attendance so that you can demonstrate your ongoing professional experience as required under art. 37.5 GDPR.
You follow this webinar as a Company Lawyer/Jurist? This webinar has been awarded 1 point of continuous education by the Institut des Juristes d’Entreprise / Instituut voor Bedrijfsjuristen.
Disclaimer: this webinar is only intended for our clients and prospects. We reserve the right to cancel the registration of attorneys from other law firms.
We look forward to virtually meeting you soon,
The ALTIUS Digital team