IR Global Member Meeting – Noreen Weiss visits Adriano Chaves

IR Global’s exclusive Commercial Law member in US-New York, Noreen Weiss of MacDonald Weiss PLLC recently visited Adriano Chaves of CGM Advogados (IR Global’s exclusive Mergers & Acquisitions member in Brazil). Noreen visited Adriano in Sao Paolo, Brazil during an IBA Event.

Both were extremely happy to have met, and are looking to arrange similar meetings in the future. 

Adriano Chaves & Noreen Weiss

If you are travelling and would like the opportunity to meet fellow IR members, please contact your Client Manager or the IR Global Head Office who will be happy to assist. We ask that you share any photos with us, so we can share your meeting with the rest of the group.

  • Noreen Weiss
    Banking & Finance in New York and Crypto and Digital Asset Advisory in New York

    Noreen Weiss

    goldNoreen is a gold member
    MOTY 2018Noreen was Member of the Year winner in 2018
  • Adriano Chaves
    Mergers & Acquisitions in Brazil

    Adriano Chaves

    bronzeAdriano is a bronze member
    Partner, CGM Advogados