Dunstan Magro of WDM International recently met Lakhsha Ragoonundun of Premier Financial Services Limited at his office in Malta. Dunstan is IR Global’s exclusive Fiduciary Services member in Malta, whilst Lakhsha is IR Global’s exclusive Company Formations member in Mauritius.
Dunstan had the following to in regards to the meeting: “Last week I had a meeting at my office with Lakhsha Ragoonundun and Priya Busgeeth of Premier Financial Services Ltd, an IR Global member firm from Mauritius. We had a very interesting meeting, discussing matters which hopefully could enhance the possibility of doing business together. During their stay in Malta, we enjoyed a one hour tour of Valletta, following which we shared dinner in the capital city”.
If you are travelling and would like the opportunity to meet fellow IR members, please reach out to your Client Managers (Liam Shewring, Charlotte Weeds, Lauren Morgan) who will be able to help facilitate an introduction.
We appreciate it when members send photos of their trips, so if you have any you would like to share then please share them with the respective Client Managers above.