Have you read The Visionaries yet?

Have you read our latest publication: The Visionaries?

The Visionaries is your toolkit for navigating the current challenges faced by professional services firms, with the expertise of 35 IR Global members from 27 jurisdictions. In this inaugural edition, they give their unique jurisdictional perspectives on topics such as Global Mobility, AI, ESG, and Wealth Preservation. 

They answer pivotal questions facing professional services today, including:

  • How is government policy on employment relocation affecting mobility?
  • Should AI have a place in disputes?
  • Is AI complicating copyright processes in your jurisdiction?
  • How is sustainability impacting real estate transactions?
  • What is the role of ESG in accountancy?
  • How are compliance laws and changing taxation impacting private clients?

Alongside this, there are two standalone expert views from Michael Einbinder (Einbinder & Dunn LLP) and Adrienne Braumiller (Braumiller Law Group).

Read The Visionaries today by clicking this link.

To get involved in our next edition, please contact [email protected].

To stay up-to-date with everything IR Global, you can follow us on our social accounts: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and X.

  • Annie Elsmore

    Annie Elsmore

    bronzeAnnie is a bronze member
    Social Media Executive, IR Global