Haryana Labour Department introduces online dashboard to streamline licensing under key labour laws under BRAP 2024 for Ease of Doing Business

With a view to bring transparency in information dissemination, the Haryana Labour Department has introduced an online dashboard in line with the Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) 2024. These reforms are aimed at enhancing the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ across India.

The dashboard will provide vital information, including:

  • Display of application statistics, such as the number of applications received and approved.
  • average, median, minimum, and maximum time taken for registration or renewal.
  • fees paid by applicants for approvals.
  • real-time updates, with the date and time of the latest information displayed on the portal.
  • ability for applicants to drill down into day-wise and application-wise details.

The services covered in the dashboard includes, licenses under the Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, Shops and Establishments Act, Building and Other Construction Workers Act, and Factories Act.

A copy of the Order is linked below for ease of reference.

Source: Labour Department, Haryana