Abayazid And Abdourahman joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Law member in Djibouti

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Abdourahman Cheik of Abayazid And Abdourahman. Abdourahman Cheik has joined IR as our exclusive member for Commercial Law in Djibouti.

Succeeding Mr. Abdoulkader DILEITA MOHAMED appointed in 2016 Executive Secretary of the Administrative Tribunal of the African Development Bank, Me MOHAMED ABAYAZID and Me AHMED ABDOURAHMAN CHEIK officially created the Cabinet d’Avocats & Associés – CAA in 2016. To date, our firm has two (2) associate lawyers – founders, graduates of Master 2 Business Law, trained in the traditions of the French and Anglo-Saxon bars and three assistants. 

Our firm is recognized as one of the leading Djiboutian law firms in consulting in areas of activity such as bank financing and structured financing, mergers and acquisitions, infrastructure financing, public sector legal reforms, mining, oil, taxation and litigation. Knowledge of Djiboutian law and sub-regional regulations (IGAD countries, EAC, COMESA) allows our firm to develop specializations within it and thus offer companies, public administrations, communities and individuals global expertise. multidisciplinary legal and judicial advice and assistance.

Our firm has the reputation of being a particularly proactive firm, combining working methods corresponding to quality requirements close to the standards of major European firms and an ethical and deontological approach in the processing and management of cases. The firm maintains partnerships with many foreign law firms from the bars of Romano-Germanic traditions and Common Law, especially through the Pan-African Network of which it is a founding member – called Africa Business Legal Expertise (ABLE Net Work Club 54 ).

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Abdourahman Cheik directly or with the IR Global head office for an introduction.