State of emergency in Serbia was declared on 15 March 2020 followed by manifold preventive and restrictive measures adopted on daily level aimed at limiting the spread of CODIV – 19 virus. Latest and most restrictive measures so far were imposed on March 22 and relate to extension of nationwide mandatory curfew from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. leading to near total lockdown. Some of earlier measures involve suspension of intercity bus transport, international air traffic, closing of all border crossings as well as closing of schools, kindergartens, shopping malls, restaurants and cafés, total ban of movement for senior citizens etc. Given that said measures are enacted on daily level, the purpose of this update is to provide an overview of certain important legal measures enacted by the Government. Moreover, below you will find key takeaways for employers as well as considerations pertinent to application of force majeure.
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