Learn everything you need to know about cloud hosting costs and how to set your law firm up for success!
From individuals to big businesses, it’s no longer a novelty to be “in the cloud.” In fact, according to a 2022 Google Cloud report, 76% of people reported using the public cloud.
For technology leaders, cloud usage is even higher, with another 2022 Google Cloud report noting that 93% of technology leaders said they are “mostly cloud” in some form, while the number of respondents who said they were “mostly on-premises” dropped to just 7%.
And, it appears that this cloud computing revolution can positively impact organizational performance. According to a Google Cloud report, IT leaders and practitioners who use cloud computing are more likely to exceed organizational performance goals by 14% over peers who do not.
For law firms, moving from working with data stored in physical on-premise servers—which can be expensive to acquire and require significant work to maintain—to cloud-based hosting options can offer numerous benefits. From increased scalability to the flexibility to access the cloud remotely, switching to the cloud can give law firms a competitive edge.