Author Archive:
Tina Gulli
Flat-rate scheme or simplified scheme?
Read more: Flat-rate scheme or simplified scheme?A professional, about to start his own business, will be faced with the choice of adopting one of the following tax regimes: At first glance, the convenience falls on the flat-rate regime because the taxation is extremely low: the rate is 5% in the case of start-ups for the first 4 years and 15% thereafter . The tax rates with the simplified…
Studio Gulli joins IR Global as the exclusive Accounting Services member in Italy
Read more: Studio Gulli joins IR Global as the exclusive Accounting Services member in ItalyIR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce that Tina Gulli has joined IR as our exclusive Accounting Services member in Italy The accountant Dr. Gullì Business Solutions has been working in tax advice for years offering clients numerous services. In addition to tax advice, we also offer corporate, corporate, tax and…