Author Archive:
Tim-Marvin Werner
Equal pay in Germany – Requirements for Employers
Read more: Equal pay in Germany – Requirements for EmployersThe German Pay Transparency Act has been in force since 6 July 2017. The aim of the law is to enforce the principle of equal pay for women and men for equal work or work of equal value. Employers are obligated to design their pay system in such a way that gender discirmination is excluded. The…
Fixed-term Employment Contracts – Requirements for Employers in Germany
Read more: Fixed-term Employment Contracts – Requirements for Employers in GermanyIf a company wishes to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with an employee, German law generally requires a ‘valid reason’ for doing so. Such a ‘valid reason’ may be that the employee is hired to temporarily replace another employee who is currently on parental leave, for example. In addition, German law permits fixed-term employment for…
Whistleblower Protection Act – New Requirements for Employers
Read more: Whistleblower Protection Act – New Requirements for EmployersWith the Whistleblower Protection Act, which has been in force since 2 July 2023, the German legislator has implemented the EU Whistleblower Directive into German law. The Whistleblower Protection Act regulates the protection of whistleblowers who have obtained information about violations in connection with their employment or in the lead up to employment and report…
Employee’s claim for damages under the GDPR
Read more: Employee’s claim for damages under the GDPRSince its implementation in 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has posed major challenges for employers. In particular, Art. 15 GDPR provides employees with a comprehensive right to information about the personal data processed by the employer. In the event of violations of the GDPR, employees may have a claim for damages under Art.…
Tim-Marvin Werner joins IR Global as an additional member for rugekrömer
Read more: Tim-Marvin Werner joins IR Global as an additional member for rugekrömerIR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce that Tim-Marvin Werner has joined rugekrömer as an additional member. Tim-Marvin Werner studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan. During his studies he specialized in employment law. In addition, he qualified in English…