Author Archive:
Sacha Krekel
Doing business in the Netherlands?
Read more: Doing business in the Netherlands?Doing business in the Netherlands? Wishing to avoid legal pitfalls? Ensure your business is well-equipped. These topics are to be taken into account: → Corporate law → Employment law → Commercial contracts → Intellectual property and trade secrets → IT, Privacy & Cybersecurity → Real estate → Litigation → Notary We offer you a free…
Preventing Transgressive Behaviour in the Workplace: A Practical step-by-step plan!
Read more: Preventing Transgressive Behaviour in the Workplace: A Practical step-by-step plan!Violations of integrity in the workplace have come to the attention of many organisations due to the recent developments in the Dutch talent show The Voice. With good reason! It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that everyone can work in a place where no (sexual) transgressive behaviour occurs. In this blog you will find…
First case law on agile IT projects
Read more: First case law on agile IT projectsIn 2001, the authors of the Agile Manifesto probably could not foresee what flight the concept of ‘agile’ would take. Most software developers nowadays work on the basis of some form of lightweight development method and there are organisations that set up their entire (non-IT) organisation ‘agile’. Much has been written in the legal literature about the nature of…
One year WHOA
Read more: One year WHOAOn the first of January 2021 the Financial Restructuring Act, known in Dutch as the Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (hereafter: WHOA), entered in to force. The goal of the WHOA is to prevent bankruptcies of successful yet almost insolvent business entities. Expectations were high, as experts considered the WHOA as a major development in the…
NL regulation of crypto service providers may violate European law
Read more: NL regulation of crypto service providers may violate European lawMuch is said about the gatekeeper function of providers of crypto services. Pursuant to Directive 2018/843, crypto service providers in the Netherlands are required to register with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). In this context, DNB requires providers of crypto services to demonstrate how they ensure that no money or cryptos are made available to sanctioned…
New (emergency) measures will be introduced to protect employers and employees
Read more: New (emergency) measures will be introduced to protect employers and employeesThe Dutch government has taken further emergency measures in order to keep the economy going and to secure jobs. The short-time work reduction-regulation (WVT) is inactivated and will be replaced by the Temporary Emergency Measure to Secure Business-regulation (Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud in Dutch). This new regulation will be implemented within the next few days, but some…
Reduced working hours and financial compensation
Read more: Reduced working hours and financial compensationUnder ‘special circumstances’ such as a fire, a flood or an epidemic, employers in various sectors will be confronted with lower client demand and a subsequently reduced workload. These circumstances are not considered to be a regular business risk. The COVID-19 virus, better known as the coronavirus, qualifies as an epidemic and will result in…
De Clercq Lawyers and Notary joins IR as the exclusive Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Member in Netherlands
Read more: De Clercq Lawyers and Notary joins IR as the exclusive Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Member in NetherlandsIR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Sacha Krekel of De Clercq Lawyers and Notary. Sacha has joined IR as our exclusive Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Member in Netherlands. The world is changing rapidly. New technologies, new relationships, new opportunities. All giving rise to new challenges, including…