Martin Clapson
Stay up-to-date with the data and stories emerging from UK valuations’.
Register here Hello, There is still time to register for our quarterly valuation webinars, which includes a bonus live webinar – The Morning After the Budget. Stay up-to-date with the data and stories emerging from UK valuations’. Understanding the quarterly trends of valuation multiples across the market is vital when making any strategic decision for…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
Employment Law: What we are expecting in 2024
Employment law is never quiet, but post Brexit and as a Labour Government prepares to take office, this year is perhaps going to be exceptionally busy for employers, HR professionals and employment lawyers. In recent months, there have been multiple announcements which will significantly affect employers and employee in 2024 and beyond, with a strong…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
January 2024 Update: HMRC crackdown on ‘side hustles’
What was the issue? From the 1st January 2024, HMRC has instructed that digital platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, eBay, Deliveroo, Amazon, Etsy, Fiverr and Upwork, automatically report individuals earnings to HMRC directly as part of HMRC’s crackdown to tackle tax evasion. This measure will affect digital platforms in the UK that facilitate the provision of services or…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
HMRC’s response to R&D Tax Credit Fraud and Error
What is the problem? R&D tax credit fraud was identified as a major concern in HMRC’s latest annual report and accounts as the published figures for fraud and error in 2020-21 rose from its previous estimate of £336 million (3.6% of the total value claimed) to £1.13 billion (16.7%). HMRC’s Chief Executive admitted that they…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
Contentious Tax Bulletin
Tax Investigations Partner, Andrew Park, provides a round up of the most recent and significant contentious tax news In our contentious tax bulletin, Andrew Park, Tax Investigations Partner at Price Bailey, provides an overview of the most recent and significant contentious tax news, legislative changes, updates, and relevant case decisions that occurred throughout the previous…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
What is Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT), upcoming changes, and how may it affect me?
What is PPT? Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) became effective in the UK on the 1st April 2022 as part of the government’s Resources and Waste strategy, aiming to encourage businesses to use recycled plastic in packaging and reduce plastic waste. HMRC states that “the aim of the tax is to provide a clear economic incentive for…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants
How Can Your Business Create An Effective Credit Control Process?
Businesses across the UK are at the centre of an unsustainable culture of late payments. Prior to the pandemic, late payments caused 50,000 SMEs to fail each year. Now, there is an increased fear that even more businesses across the UK will continue to fall as a result of the catalyst that was the pandemic…
- Audit & Assurance Services and Business Advisory Services in England
Martin Clapson
bronze Martin is a bronze memberManaging Director, Partner at Price Bailey Chartered Accountants