Kara Maciel
Everything You Need to Know About OSHA’s New Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process Rule
By Eric Conn, Mark Trapp, and Darius Rohani-Shukla Like a bad April Fool’s joke, to advance the Biden Administration’s promise to be “the most labor friendly administration in history,” on April 1, 2024, OSHA published in the Federal Register its Final Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process Rule (the “Worker Walkaround Rule”). The new Final Rule amends OSHA’s regulation at 29 CFR 1903.8(c)…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
Title VII and the Use of AI in Employment Decisions
Employers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (“AI”) for assistance in making employment decisions, and although AI can eliminate disparate treatment, employers should be aware of the potential for disparate impact. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
ADA Reasonable Accommodations & Managing the Interactive Process [Webinar Recording]
On Thursday, October 26, 2023, Conn Maciel Carey’s Labor and Employment attorneys presented a webinar regarding ADA Reasonable Accommodations & Managing the Interactive Process. Presented by: Aaron R. Gelb and Megan S. Shaked of CMC’s Labor & Employment Practice Group And Special Guest Diane Smason (Acting Director for the EEOC Chicago District Office) Understanding the employer’s obligations when…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
Conn Maciel Carey LLP’s Cal/OSHA and California Employment Law Practices Bolstered by Addition of Highly Regarded Attorney Andrea O. Chavez
Conn Maciel Carey LLP, (CMC) a boutique law firm with national practices in Labor and Employment Law, Workplace Safety Law (OSHA and MSHA), and Litigation, is pleased to announce that Andrea O. Chavez has joined the Los Angeles, California office as Senior Counsel in the firm’s Cal/OSHA and California Labor and Employment practices. She […]
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
NLRB Returns to its Prior “Ambush” Election Rules
By Kara Maciel and Samuel Rose The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) has issued its 2023 Rule related to union representation elections. Representation petitions can be filed by employees, unions, or employers and ask the NLRB to conduct an election to determine whether employees wish to be represented by a union in collective bargaining. The…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
A Deep Dive Into the OSHA Rules for Powered Industrial Trucks and Warehouse Ops
Thursday, September 14, 20231:00pm-2:00pmClick here for more information and to register.Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs) are ubiquitous across general industry as they are used for a variety of purposes in warehousing and logistics facilities, as well as in all manner of production establishments. Given the serious hazards associated with operating PITs, OSHA has launched Local Emphasis…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
White House Clears the Final Amended Electronic Recordkeeping Rule
By Eric J. Conn and Daniel C. Deacon The White House has given final sign-off on OSHA’s Amended Regulation — Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illneses (aka the Electronic Recordkeeping or E-Recordkeeping Rule). The Preamble and the Final Rule have been sent to the Federal Register for official publication. The rule package will appear…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
Mid-Year Employment Updates in DC, Maryland, and Virginia
Daniel C. Deacon Jul 13 We are mid-way through 2023, and there have been several changes to the employment laws in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia that employers need to take note of. All of these laws, which were passed in 2022 or the more recent 2023 legislative sessions, went into effect on…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
The Supreme Court Just Changed the Undue Hardship Religious Accommodation Test
Darius Rohani-Shukla Jul 6 The Title VII prohibitions on employment discrimination extend to employers who refuse to accommodate employees with sincerely held religious beliefs or practices. Previously, employers could only deny religious accommodations if the accommodation would impose an undue hardship or more than a minimal burden on the operation of the business. The undue hardship…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
The State of the Law Regarding Marijuana and Drug Testing
On Tuesday, July 18th at 1 p.m. EST, join Dan Deacon and Ashley Mitchell for a webinar to cover The State of the Law Regarding Marijuana and Drug Testing. Recreational and medicinal marijuana are here to stay. Each year, it seems that several new jurisdictions legalize marijuana use in some form and momentum continues to build for change on the…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
Hot Topics in Wage and Hour Law [Webinar Recording]
On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Mark Ishu and Megan Shaked presented a webinar regarding Hot Topics in Wage and Hour Law. Wage and hour issues continue to be hotly litigated under the numerous federal and state laws governing employee wages, hours worked, meal and rest breaks and more. The availability of class actions and representative actions raise the stakes even…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey
OSHA Expands Its Investigative Authority Under the Whistleblower Protection Program through U and T Visa Certifications
By Kara Maciel, Eric J. Conn, and Darius Rohani-Shukla OSHA has unveiled another tool that will enhance its ability to investigate potential workplace safety violations affecting vulnerable workers who are victims of criminal activity, including sex and labor trafficking. Effective March 30, 2023, OSHA can now issue an important certification used to support two nonimmigrant…
- Employment Law in Washington DC
Kara Maciel
silver Kara is a silver memberFounding Partner at Conn Maciel Carey