Daniel Jimenez
Sicily, divorce as contemporary art
Justice has seized the paintings that José María Sicilia exhibited in ARCO for non-payments in his agreement with his ex-partner. There have been many and very famous marriages of artists in the history of art in the last century: there are the cases of Helen Frankentaler and Robert Motherwell, Frida Kahlo and Diego, Rivera, Picasso and…
- White Collar Crime in Spain
Daniel Jimenez
bronze Daniel is a bronze memberFounder and Head of Litigation and Arbitration Department at SLJ Abogados
Member Spotlight – Why boutique is best – Daniel Jimenez Garcia values the personal approach
For Daniel Jimenez Garcia, the ideal law firm is a small boutique with a large reach. After working for years at Ashurst – the international legal behemoth – Daniel was ready for a radical change. He wanted his own small firm but with an international presence to draw in big clients. As a specialist in…
- White Collar Crime in Spain
Daniel Jimenez
bronze Daniel is a bronze memberFounder and Head of Litigation and Arbitration Department at SLJ Abogados