Author Archive:
Benoît Duvieusart
The personal tax liability of the manager is not a fatality
Read more: The personal tax liability of the manager is not a fatalityThe first degree administrative court of Luxembourg recently issued a judgment (number 43190) that is likely to reassure diligent managers and directors of commercial companies. In the judgement, a member of the board of directors (‘Mr. X’) of a Luxembourg public limited company (société anonyme) received a tax guarantee assessment issued by the Luxembourg direct…
duvieusart ebel, avocats associés, Wolfs Advocaten and Everest Law working together
Read more: duvieusart ebel, avocats associés, Wolfs Advocaten and Everest Law working togetherDuvieusart Ebel, Avocats Associés has been invited by Wolfs Advocaten (NL), another active IR Global fellow member, to assist one of their US clients, a global operating firm, on a charitable sales promotion developed in multiple countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Duvieusart Ebel reviewed the commercial aspect of the advertising campaign under Luxembourg…
2021 draft budget: main tax measures
Read more: 2021 draft budget: main tax measuresThe 2021 draft budget was presented by the Luxembourg government on 14 October 2020. While it contains no major tax reforms, there are a handful of tax measures included in the draft bill. These are as follows. Individual Tax card process As from 2022, a dedicated platform will be used to replace the usual submission…
Legal Watch October 2020
Read more: Legal Watch October 2020Asset management & investment funds UK Temporary Permission Regime UCITS can no longer invest in loans Amendments of AML/CFT regulation on Luxembourg financial and asset management lines of business Tax Deadline extension in fiscal matters in the context of COVID-19 Banking, finance & corporate CSSF recommendation on restriction of dividend distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic…
Newsflash Luxembourg – Postponement of tax reporting deadlines under DAC6, CRS and FATCA
Read more: Newsflash Luxembourg – Postponement of tax reporting deadlines under DAC6, CRS and FATCAIn the context of the crisis related to COVID-19, a draft law relating to the postponement of tax reporting deadlines under DAC6, CRS and FATCA was filed with the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies (bill number 7625, hereafter referred to as “the Bill”) on 6 July 2020. The Bill followed the Council of the European Union’s…
Luxembourg: Measures related to the holding of corporate meetings in the context of COVID-19
Read more: Luxembourg: Measures related to the holding of corporate meetings in the context of COVID-19In the wake of the onset of Covid-19, both shareholder meetings and those of management bodies may be held exclusively on a digital platform. The Luxembourg Government declared on 18 March 2020 a state of emergency and a number of temporary measures have been enacted by decrees by the Government, given the new emergency powers…
Legal Watch: Your Luxembourg Law Firm
Read more: Legal Watch: Your Luxembourg Law FirmAsset management & investment funds-PRIIPS update-AML/CFT investment market entry forms (funds and IFMS)-CSSF overview of undertakings for collective investment at the end of October 2019-FAQ CSSF – Persons involved in AML/CFT for a Luxembourg Investment Fund or Investment Fund Manager Tax-ATAD 2 adopted by Luxembourg Parliament-Invalidation of pre-2015 advance tax agreement Banking, finance & corporate-Anti-money…
Valadas Coriel & Associados welcomes duvieusart ebel, avocats associés
Read more: Valadas Coriel & Associados welcomes duvieusart ebel, avocats associésJoão Valadas Coriel and Sofia Quental of Valadas Coriel & Associados had the pleasure of welcoming Benoît Duvieusart of duvieusart ebel, avocats associés to their office in Lisbon, Portugal. It’s great to hear about our members catching up, thank you for sharing this photo with us.
Read more: THE LUXEMBOURG REGISTER OF BENEFICIAL OWNERSThe law dated 18 December 2018 (the “BO Register Law”), entering into force as of 1st March 2019, implemented into Luxembourg law the transparency measures provided by the Directive 2015/849 (the so-called 4th AML Directive) by setting up a public register of beneficial owners. The scope of the Register Law is wide and obligations deriving…
Read more: EUROPEAN FINANCIAL REGULATORS READY TO MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF A NO-DEAL BREXITIn order to mitigate the potentially highly damageable consequences of a no-deal Brexit for the financial markets, and in particular the investment fund industry, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European securities regulators have agreed the text of two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of the United…
Law implementing double tax treaty with Cyprus
Read more: Law implementing double tax treaty with CyprusThe double tax treaty signed by Luxembourg and Cyprus entered into force on 21 May 2018 its provisions will apply as of 1 January 2019. This double tax treaty takes into account the latest international standards regarding avoidance of double non-taxation and exchange of information, such as the Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) recommendations of…
Luxembourg bill of law on Multilateral Instrument ratification
Read more: Luxembourg bill of law on Multilateral Instrument ratificationOn 3 July 2018, the Luxembourg Government submitted to Parliament bill of law 7333 for the ratification of the Multilateral Instrument (“MLI”). As a reminder, the MLI, which was signed by Luxembourg in June 2017, was developed by the OECD to implement Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) measures into double tax treaties. Bill of law…