Asylum Secured for Egyptian Man Persecuted

A Manatt team successfully secured asylum before United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for an Egyptian man who was persecuted by the Egyptian government for his democratic political beliefs.  

Referred to as LK, the client joined the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) in Egypt shortly after the 2011 Egyptian democratic revolution. He campaigned on behalf of Mohamed Morsi, the FJP candidate for president in the 2012 elections. Although Morsi won the 2012 elections, the current president led a coup d’etat that ousted the democratically elected Morsi. LK protested with his fellow countrymen but the violence he witnessed during the protest caused him to immediately cease all political activity for fear of being killed.   

LK decided to focus on his academic pursuits and came to the United States to study. However, in 2019, he voted at an Egyptian consulate against proposed constitutional amendments, and as a result, both he and his family were targeted by Egyptian government representatives in the United States and in Egypt.   

In its brief to USCIS, the Manatt team presented LK’s pro-democratic activities in Egypt and the United States. USCIS interviewed LK approximately two years after the Manatt team filed LK’s asylum claim. However, after conducting that interview, USCIS took no action. For another two years, the Manatt team advocated for USCIS to issue a decision. Finally, USCIS requested a second interview with LK and granted him asylum less than a week after the second interview. LK can now remain safely in the United States and looks forward to starting a new chapter of his life.   

The case was referred to Manatt by long time pro bono partner National Immigrant Justice Center in 2019. The Manatt team representing LK included Alexandra McCown and Sirena Castillo.