Adoptions in The Dominican Republic

Adoption is a legal act by which a person or family welcomes as a child the one who is biologically the child of other parents. Law 136-03, in its article 11, defines the nature of adoption as “a legal institution of public order and social interest that allows the creation, by means of a judgment rendered for that purpose, of a voluntary filiation link between people who do not have it for nature”.

Pursuant to Article 117 of the Code for the Protection System and Fundamental Rights of Boys, Girls and Adolescents, people over 30 years of age may adopt, regardless of their marital status, provided that the adopter guarantees physical, moral, social suitability which makes it possible to offer a child or adolescent a home that guarantees their integral well-being. The same qualities will be required of those who adopt jointly. The age limit to adopt is 60 years, subject to exceptions established by law.

  • Juan Manuel Cáceres
    Commercial Law in Dominican Republic

    Juan Manuel Cáceres

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