Born in 1970 • business economist • 1995: joining of the former office of Dr. Erich Hackstock • 2003: joining of the GT Team and nomination as a tax consultant, partner since 2004 • married, one daughter
My focus is on comprehensive support, which ranges from the classical one-person business to large-scale Private Limited Companies. At GT, I also am a contact person for all issues of law relating to turnover tax and for restructuring of companies.
Whenever companies are newly established, I pay particular attention to answering the question of the optimal design of the legal form.
My personal objective as a tax consultant consists in recognizing our clients’ concerns, wishes and problems so that an optimal path for solving the issues can be found and trodden together. Consulting requires understanding and comprehension – according to this slogan as well as to my personal attitude, I underwent the training for business coaches at the Austrian Chamber of Trustees in 2005.