Madeleine Molster


M | +31 (0) 6 868 11 664

Madeleine Molster is a Member



Combining corporate and employment law, Madeleine sees legal matters in a broader context.

As co-founder of SAGIURE, Madeleine began her career as a corporate finance lawyer at C’M’S,  an alliance of major law firms . Later on, Madeleine specialized in corporate employment law with a focus on international, cross-border employment. In 2008, Madeleine continued her career with Bird & Bird LLP, an international law firm with offices across Europe, China and the Middle East.

Madeleine joined forces with her former C’M’S and Bird & Bird colleagues to established SAGIURE® in January 2014. Understanding linguistic and cultural differences are essential for cross border and international business and legal matters. Following her education at multiple international and national schools as well as participating in the LLM exchange program in South Africa has helped Madeleine to easily adapt to and work together with people from different cultural and backgrounds.

Her combination of expertise in both corporate and employment law enables Madeleine to advise companies on cross border restructuring, M&A transactions, business immigration, HR services, global mobility and litigation. With her long-term and pragmatic approach, clients perceive Madeleine as an integral part of their team and commend her personal involvement. She is valued for overseeing legal matters in a broader business context.

Madeleine is a lecturer at several leading legal institutions such as the Centre for Postgraduate Legal Education, the Academy for the Legal Practice, the Dutch Bar Association  and  the Legal Academy. The trainings are on various employment and business oriented topics within a legal framework. She is also regularly asked to provide trainings to in-house counsels.

Madeleine is a member of various employment law associations, including the VAAN (Dutch employment expert association) and the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA). She is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).

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Visit the SAGIURE LEGAL website

Sagiure Legal B.V. (“SAGIURE”) is an independent law firm based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. SAGIURE stands for knowledge and determination (SAGE), two key factors to success in the legal (IURE) business hence our firm’s name SAGE [seyj]  +  IURE [iūre]. At SAGIURE we specialize in corporate employment and contract Law.

Our focus lies with (multinational) corporations and entrepreneurs with a workforce or investment in the Netherlands or an ambition to set-up or grow business in the Netherlands.


Working with both large and small (including innovative start-up and scale-up) corporations, we offer clients bespoke legal service on, and representation in contentious and non-contentious employment law and contract law matters. We specialize in corporate employment and related contract law in the area where employment law, corporate law and tax law coincide. Our core work ranges from advising clients on day to day legal matters to guidance on employment and HR matters in M&A transactions. Given our corporate focus we have developed strong relationships and a track record in acting as a strategic business advisers for clients in structuring business goals from start-ups to multinationals. Although we focus on employment law the type of client we service generally needs a variety of legal and tax expertise with often a cross-border element.

In that regard clients trust us to engage experts in other legal and tax areas when needed. While our forte is employment and contract law, for related areas such as tax, corporate law and data protection & privacy law, we choose to work with some of the best legal minds in the market to suit our clients and their legal needs. Experts who match our own commitment and dedication. We work with the big law firms when that makes sense, yet retain all the benefits of the personal, committed approach. 

We are truly delighted with our IR Global membership and are confident that there will be plenty opportunities to work with many member-firms in future. We look forward to contribute to IR Global’s objectives and work with the IR Global team and its members to a mutually pleasant and beneficial partnership for many years to come.

As a leading provider of legal and related professional services, our Team is able to assist you and your clients in the full range of legal services in the domain of employment and contract law in the Netherlands. Our key areas of advice and assistance include:

▪     Business strategy consultancy from start-up to scale-up and multinationals

▪     All aspects throughout the  lifecycle of an employment relationship from the recruitment phase up to and including any issues arising after termination of an employment contract

▪     Service, management and other work related contracts including any issues arising from these

▪     Business restructuring and mass redundancies

▪     Transfer of undertaking and in/outsourcing

▪     Employment and HR expertise in M&A transactions

▪     Setting up a business in the Netherlands

▪     Drafting contracts and enforcing restrictive covenants to protect business interests and trade secrets


▪      Employee participation and co-determination rights (works council, workers’ representation, trade unions)

▪      Design, compliance and changes to company policies and in-house documentation and scoping

▪      Remuneration systems

▪      Privacy and GDPR-implications

▪      “Platform” labor or gig-economy

▪      Board and senior level appointments and dismissals

▪      International assignments and Business Immigration Contract structuring

▪      Employment disputes and individual dismissals

▪      Equality and diversity

▪      Payrolling, secondment

▪     Collective bargaining agreements, trade unions and collective actions

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