Lieven Peeters

Partner at ALTIUS

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Lieven Peeters is Partner at ALTIUS, and is Co-Head of the Real Estate & Regulatory team. He is a renowned expert in the area of real estate transactions and construction law with a solid knowledge of contracts law and general commercial law. He is as such recognized by Chambers Europe, Legal500, PLC WhichLawyer and World Leading Experts.

He advises clients in his real estate practice on all aspects of often complex real estate transactions, including the structuring of real estate projects, real estate M&A, sale-and-leaseback transactions, joint ventures, leasing, PPP and split structures.

Lieven has advised on various major transactions on the Belgian market involving several large shopping centres, business parks, office buildings, commercial properties, logistics properties, large inner-city developments and on other real estate niche products as senior housing, sports centres and mixed-use projects. In 2011 he advised and assisted amongst others the largest office building transaction in Belgium, as well as on the largest logistic development. 

Lieven has a vast experience in assisting international and national clients with their interests in Belgium and the development thereof.

Lieven graduated at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Lic. Jur. 1995) and obtained an LLM at the University of Virginia (1996). He started his legal career with De Bandt, van Hecke & Lagae, currently Linklaters.

Chambers Europe quote:  “He is very responsive in his answers, pragmatic with the advice and straight to the point,” enthuses a client.

Legal 500 Testimonials : 

Working together with Altius in general and with its partner Lieven Peeters in particular has been a successful combination over the years for our firm.’

‘Lieven is an ace real estate lawyer who understands the importance of “commercial” negotiation in order to get the deal done.‘

‘Having Lieven besides me during tough negotiations was in several cases a necessity to get the deal done and the contract signed.’

‘Lieven Peeters is the perfect and rare combination of an ace-lawyer with a commercial, entrepreneurial approach.’

Lieven is a member of the Belgian Professional Real Estate Association (Beroepsvereniging van de Vastgoedsector – BVS), the “Belgisch-Luxemburgse Raad voor Winkelcentra” (BLRW-CBLCC) and the Belgian Construction Law Association (ABDR – BVBR). He regularly speaks and publishes on various real estate topics, amongst others in Retail Focus. Lieven is also an active member of the Belgo-Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce (FCCC) and the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce  BCCCE). Together with tax law firm Tiberghien, ALTIUS regularly publishes the ‘Real Estate Gazette’ (

Recent Publications:

  • “Eengemaakte omgevingsvergunning uit decretale startblokken?”, Retail Focus 27 januari 2012, 3 (with J. Weytjens)
  • “Belgian Chapter” in Construction 2012: in 35 jurisdictions worldwide in the series Getting the deal through (with W. Timmermans)
  • “Handelshuur en bodemsaneringskosten: de teruggaveplicht van de handelshuurder in het kader van afspraken omtrent bodemsaneringskosten”, Retail Focus 23 december 2011, 5
  • “Valkuilen bij de vervanging van een tekortkomend aannemer” / “Les ecueils lors d’un remplacement d’entrepreneur défaillant”, Retail Focus 28 oktober 2011, 4
  • “Belgian Chapter” in Construction 2012: in 35 jurisdictions worldwide in the series Getting the deal through (with W. Timmermans) accessible here
  • “Bieten die neuen Regeln bezüglich Immobilieninvestmentgesellschaften möglichkeiten im heutigen Wirtschaftsklima?” Real Estate Gazette, fourth edition, 2011
  • “Overdracht van handelshuur en faillissement van de overnemer”, Retail Focus 13 mei 2011, 7-8 (with S. Miller)
  • “New rules for Real Estate investment trusts providing major opportunities”, The Financial executive, April 2011, 25-28 (with J. De Bruycker and B. Delmotte)
  • “Vereenvoudigd beheer van uw vastgoed in gemengde complexen: deelverenigingen in de mede-eigendomswet”, Ondernemers (VOKA-Halle Vilvoorde) april 2011, 26
  • “Een nieuwe mogelijkheid tot de herziening van de huurprijs” (“A new possibility to revise the rent”), Retail Focus 25 maart 2011, 5-6
  • “Legal developments in real estate finance” in The Financial Executive, December 2010, Financial Executives Institute of Belgium (with J. De Bruycker and B. Delmotte) click here to read the article
  • “De belangrijkste punten van de nieuwe mede-eigendomsregeling na 1 september 2010”, Real Estate Gazette, third edition, 2010
  • “Trends and developments in Belgian real estate finance” in Real Estate Finance & Investment Review 2010-2011, Euromoney (with J. De Bruycker and B. Delmotte)
  • “Commerciële centra en BTW aftrek: een stand van zaken” (“VAT Deductions by Shopping Centres: the current state of play”), Retail Focus 22 oktober 2010, 5-6
  • “Een vereenvoudigd beheer van winkelvastgoed” (“A simplified framework for managing retail premises”), Retail Focus 24 september 2010, 5-6 
  • “Belgian Chapter” in Construction 2011: in 35 jurisdictions worldwide in the series Getting the deal through (with W. Timmermans)
  • “The Belgian real estate market in 2010 : a year of transitional continuity”, Real Estate Gazette, second edition, 2010
  • “Belgian chapter” in ICSC Handbook on Commercial Leases, 2009 
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Visit the ALTIUS website

ALTIUS is one of the largest Belgian independent law firms, consisting of approximately 65 lawyers. Established in Brussels, Antwerp, and Louvain-la-Neuve, we advise Belgian and international companies on the legal aspects of transactions, projects and disputes.

We help our clients navigate through often-complex legislation and regulatory environments and provide clear solutions to a wide range of legal issues. In addition to our specialist legal knowledge, we focus on thinking creatively with our clients to offer tailor-made solutions. Our aim is to turn, through careful listening and awareness, strategic questions into clear, straightforward answers.

For tax-related issues, ALTIUS works closely with Tiberghien, a leading independent Belgian firm that specialises in tax law.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your IR Global Contact @ ALTIUS, Lieven Peeters ([email protected]).

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