- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Real estate transactions
- Financing and capital market law
- Company law
- Company and asset succession
- Litigation and arbitration
Publications (selection)
- Variable purchase price for M&A transactions, juris PraxisReport Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht 11/2013, Note 5
- Possibilities for monitoring the content of the implementation of the conversion squeeze-out, ZGR 2011, pp. 776-809
- The sale of all company assets, 2011, 325 pages – book review in AG 2012, pp. 343-344
- A series of publications in the Financier Worldwide
- Long-standing author of the juris Praxisreport Commercial and Corporate Law
- since 2022 Member of the board of trustees Berlin/Brandenburg of Stifterverband (German association of foundations)
- since 2018 Founding member of the Logistics and Mobility Commission of the Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW)
- since 2018 Member of the Banking Law Association
- since 2017 Lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
- since 2016 Co-initiator and Charter Member of the Rotary Club Berlin-Friedrichstrasse
- since 2015 Jury member at Business Plan Competition Berlin (BPW)
- since 2014 Initiator and head of the discussion group on business succession in the Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW), Berlin-Brandenburg region
- since 2014 Member of the Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists (VBKI)
- 2014 Award as “Lawyer of the Year 2014” in the category Mergers & Acquisitions in Germany
- since 2009 Member of the Corporate Law Association (VGR)