Douglas M. DePeppe

Attorney, Founding Member at OnCall Cyber

+1 719.357.8025

Douglas M. DePeppe is a Member



*Doug & OnCall Cyber are an IR Global strategic partner* 

Mr. DePeppe, a former advisor to the White House 60-Day Cyberspace Policy Review, has fashioned a niche practice as a cyber-risk attorney and consultant, as well as possessing diverse expertise across multiple cyberspace verticals. He helps businesses design and implement commercially reasonable security practices to mitigate the growing liability exposure from cybersecurity threats. Data breach response, privacy, compliance, legislation, law enforcement and national security assistance, forensics analysis, and national and international engagements related to public-private partnerships and cyber-threat information sharing frameworks are part of Mr. DePeppe’s portfolio. He offers expertise in all facets of the law and policy dimensions to the cybersecurity challenge, in both the commercial and government spaces.

Mr. DePeppe has been centrally involved in national-level and leading commercial cybersecurity initiatives for a decade. Mr. DePeppe’s deep background includes service for two White House cybersecurity initiatives. His appointment as a Subject Matter Expert was cited in the White House-directed, Energy Department report: Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (ES-C2M2) released in 2012.

Mr. DePeppe engages in a multidisciplinary practice and is Co-founder of the Cyber Resilience Institute, a seminal regional threat information exchange and cyber-resilience center with regional affiliations across the Nation’s landscape. He pursues similar endeavors internationally, with ventures in the Far East and the Gulf Region. He has supported capacity building cyber projects with international organizations, including the International Telecommunications Union and the International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT). Mr. DePeppe’s ventures and affiliations are available at his website: He is a trusted advisor with affiliation with several cyber insurance carriers, providing incident response services, training, networking, and mentoring.

Previously, Mr. DePeppe was the legal advisor to US-CERT and the National Cyber Security Division, Department of Homeland Security. He retired from the Army JAG Corps in 2008, and served as legal advisor to the Army Network Operations Security Center, Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal, and as operations counsel supporting computer network operations and space operations functioning in support of a command in a theater of operations. He also has extensive experience related to all facets of Defense and Homeland Security programs and initiatives to integrate cybersecurity efforts across the interagency, state and local governments, the private sector and critical infrastructure. Mr. DePeppe was also a prosecutor and Capital Case Certified Defense Counsel. As such, he has knowledge and experience in the privacy, constitutional, criminal, and role of government issues that permeate the emergent cybersecurity challenge facing government, industry, and society.


United States Supreme Court



Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

Professional Activities

Co-Founder, Cyber Resilience Institute

Chair, Cyber Working Group,
Regional Consortium Coordinating Counsel

OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence Group

Publications and Speaking Engagements

Deputizing the Cyber Posse: The Next Frontier of Public-Private PartnershipForbes, 2014

Public-Private Partnerships for Cybersecurity, Bloomberg/BNA, 2012

CSO Online Blog, and other blog publications

Mr. DePeppe is a recognized international speaker on cyber security topics with keynotes and panel speaking engagements in Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Europe, Thailand, London and across the United States.

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OnCall Cyber

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OnCall Cyber is a spinoff company from IR Global Trusted Partner eosedge Legal, with Doug DePeppe a principal member in both. OnCall Cyber compiles cyberlaw with incident response to offer an ever-ready Cyber Crisis Team. With available cyber insurance added, OnCall Cyber offers a pre-paid  solution to improve customer preparedness for the cyberattack risk.

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